Road to Reality

Saturday, July 09, 2005

What is Shariat?

What is Shariat?

Shariat, is the Islamic Law, the basis of which is to tell Muslims how to behave in every aspect of their lives, from trading, praying, eating, walking, sleeping, inhaling to even such private matters as, how to have sex with your wive.
The purpose of Shariat is to provide a guideline to all Muslims for a perfect behaviour. Shariat derives its laws from the behavious of Prohpet Muhammad himself, as Muslims regard him as complete and perfect and his behavious as to be the ultimate example for all of Muslims of the posterity. This is the basis of Shariat. And it is not surprising that innocent Muslims cant repeal the law of Shariat.
Muslims cant forsake the writ of Shariat, until and unless they forsake Islam itself. And this act amounts to apostasy, the punishment of which is death.
Actually this writ of Shariat against the raped women is not a strange phenomenon. As I said earlier, Shariat derives its laws from the deeds of Prophet Muhammad himself.
So this episode of a raped women being transferred to her rapist derives inspiration from the life of Muhammad himself.
Once it so happened that Prophet Muhammad visited the home of his son. At that time his son was not at home and his wife Zainab bint Zahsh was bathing, being naturally undressed. Muhammad saw her through the chink of the door and becane so enamoured of her, that he made his son divorce Zainab and married her afterwards.
So, this recent episode in India is not after all so strange. It has its parrells in Islamic history and the life of Muhammad. Only we Hindus are too lethargic to explore the history.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Hindu civilization in danger:What shall we do?

Hindu civilization in danger:What shall we do?

On 8: 15 AM 05-07-05 the center of Hindu civilization was attacked.

Ayodhya, the birthplace of Shri Rama was defiled by the impure blood of Islamic terrorists. It was stained with the blood of an innocent women.

Islamic terrorists dared to attack the epicenter of Hindu civilization, piety, spirituality and emotions.

Can there be a more heinous crime committed against the Hindu society?

Can there be a more audacious act of Islamic terrorism?

No! Definitely not!

This is limit!

Hindu society is in stark danger, it is a question of our survival.

Now its time! We have to decide, what shall we do?

We have to think over why this happened?

Why did these Islamic terrorists at the very first place decid3 to attack Ram Janmabhoomi? Where did they get the inspiration and guts to do this?

Why were they able to defy whole of the Hindu society?

Why didn’t they attack Jama Masjid instead, as per the Secularists claim that they are misguided youth, misled on the non-violent path of terrorism due to poverty?

And more so why doesn’t any Hindu attack any Masjid?

Then why were they ale to defy the security?

Why doesn’t any government including Center and State blame the Islamic terrorists or at least Pakistan for this act of terrorism?

Why instead of rebuking Islamic terrorists heir brethren and tightening noose over them, theses politicians are imploring Hindus to remain calm!

Its time, that we think over all of these issues, otherwise we as a Hind society will not be able to survive.

We shall discuss all of these topics here.

World Civilization in Danger: What Shall we do?

World Civilization in Danger: What Shall we do?

On 07-07-05, about 10:30 A.M. one of the centers of World Civilization London was attacked by Islamic terrorists. Several bombs ripped through London metro killing more than forty people.

London’s beauty, serenity and peace was annihilated. But why?

Only two days earlier 05-0705 Ayodhya, the birth place of Hindu deity Shri Rama was attacked by Islamic suicide bombers.

Why did these Islamic terrorists commit this heinous crime against humanity.

What instigates them to do so?

What is the ideology which gives them the courage and moral high ground to commit such crimes against humanity?

What makes them so defiant in their terrorist behavior?

Which is the ideology which exempts them from the guilt of committing such crimes, which even makes it obligatory and praiseworthy to butcher non-Muslims?

Why do these Muslims turn against to destroy the very nations which have given them asylum, freedom, carrier and everything else? (And, the intensity of their terrorist ferocity is directly proportional to the grants and aids given to them; greater the lenience, greater the resultant violence)

What makes ‘them’ so different from ‘us’?

Why do they behave as ‘others’?

These questions are partly answered by Huntington’s ‘Clash of Civilizations’ theory. That they belong to a completely different civilization than us. That, their civilization is completely hostile to ‘us’? That their entire ‘thinking process’ is different form ‘us’?

That they live in an ‘other’ world. That their entire value system is different for ‘us? We can not thing their way neither ‘they’ can ‘ours’. Their entire concept of ethics, morality and humanity is completely different and antagonistic to us. What is an unthinkable crime for us’, is a pious service to Allah for ‘them’?

What is an inhuman barbarity for ‘us’ is ‘war of freedom’ for them.

That is why they did 9/11?
That is why they blasted bombs in WTC in 1993.
That is why they blasted bombs in front of American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.
That is why they killed 12 Americans in Saudi Arabia in 1998.
That is why they butchered more than 500 children in Beslan.
That is why they blasted bombs in two planes to kill more than 800 people, in that same week in Russia.
That is why they laid the theatre siege in Russia, two years earlier, killing some 500 people.
That is why they again and again attack Israel.
That is why they have reduced Serbs to an even greater minority in Bosnia and Kosovo. That is why they blasted bombs in Bali to kill more than 250 Australians.
That is why they beheaded Japanese and Hindu Nepalis alive in Falujah, Iraq.
That is why they again and again hijack planes and butcher non-Muslims all over the world.
That is why they are running a country wide terror network in India (An estimated 60,000 Hindus have been butchered by Islamic terrorists in last 20 years)

Recently there was the Ayodhya attack. Some time ago Indian parliament was attacked by 12 Islamic suicide bombers. Then J and K Assembly was attacked. In Indian Islamic terrorism has become so common a phenomenon that we have started living with it.
According to a survey [b]seven[/b] Hindus die daily at the hands of Islamic terrorists. Hindus have been saying so far many years but their calls seem to fall on deaf ears. But now, when West is under direct attack of Islam, then westerners must understand the plight of Hindus also.

The point is that Islamic terrorism is a global phenomenon. [b]Islam is at war with rest[/b]. For Islam every other religion is fake and false and annihilating every other religion and converting whole world to Islam is the mission of Muslims. These Islamic terrorists are no misguided Muslims, but are the real followers of Islam. And those, who are called as liberal Muslims are completely in league with these terrorists, as they are the ones who whitewash Islam everywhere, in media, in politics and elsewhere.

This is a menace which cant be dealt by any of us alone.

Fro Islam this is a ‘do or die’ war and for them there are only two groups in the world, Muslims and non-Muslims.

So, all non-Muslims are ‘they’ for Muslims and they are eternally at war with every non-Muslim entity whether it be an individual a society or a state.

So if we want to fight and defeat them, then we will also have to think in similar terms. For us all non-Muslims world must be one and united and Islamic terrorism must be our joint enemy. Only then we will be able to defeat them and save humanity and world civilization.