Road to Reality

Friday, November 04, 2005

What really is sarva-dharma sambhava?

One of the most hallowed slogans of 20th century India is ‘Sarva-dharma sambhava’. However, the term has many anomalies with many presumptions. The term pre-supposes that there are various dharma, hence accepting its multiplicity automatically and then adjoins that we must keep the same respect feeling or reverence, toward every dharma as they all say the same truth though in different ways. But although it declares that there are various dharma and implores us to keep no distinction between them, it does not gives us any criteria to judge that what is “dharma” and what is “adharma”. So in practice ‘Sarva-dharma sambhava leaves it as adherents or believers help less or defenseless against any criminal political ideology like Islam and Christianity, which are masquerading as religion or dharma. Consequently a believer in ‘Sarva-dharma sambhava’ cant judge whether a particular ideology is really dharma or not. He treats both dharma and adharma alike. So ‘sarva-dharma in practice becomes ‘dharma-adharma sambhava.


  • Yes, I agree. But Sanatana Dharma has also some more worldy or 'laukik' pedestals. And we must discuss about them also.

    By Blogger Saumitra Sen, At 1:06 AM  

  • i feel the one-ness of religion in the one-ness of the human spirit or soul. Advaita is very near to that understanding. However, the myriad expressions of the attributeless, imperishable absolute in all its reality leabve us stupefied. Sarva Dharma Samabhava may just b a way of saying all such expressions of Truth, Beauty, Good are ONE aspect or Another of the self same truth.
    Look at this: AUM is the naad brahman. It is also a way of saying "Aa (starting to say about the divine), Oo (not finding any words, going into contemplation), oM (closing ones mouth, as we really cannot say anything about the unspoken divine Truth, we just experience it). In other religions also God is only that awe-inspiring ultimate reality. The only difference is that where we stress on a process of experiencing it, they have only a word or a name which few understand and which becomes meaningless unless experienced. So the many excesses in other religions as also in Hinduism, without experiencing the reality of the ultimate truth!

    By Blogger Unknown, At 8:46 PM  

  • Understanding of the term Dharma is essential for differentiating between Dharmic and Adharmic properties. It is a vast subject but for the sake of explanation Vedas classifies all those virtues acts and thoughts as Dharmic which aids in obtaining self realization for an individual along with the other living beings. Perquisite for attaining self realization is to reach to a point of absolute calmness and complete control over mind. Any act like violence which creates disturbance and obstructs others from attaining calmness cannot be Dharmic in nature. As such by adopting Sarva Dharma Sambhava-India respects all Dharmic acts and not the Adharmic ones.

    Sarva-dharma-sambhava reflects the true nature of Indian Culture, which has been evolving from time immemorial and is moving towards the ultimate Truth. Hinduism in its current form is the assimilation of in numerous ancient beliefs and faiths, some of which would have originated on Indian soil & others would have reached to this holy land. Mutual respect among Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism has been attained since early years of AD but with much younger foreign religions- Islam & Christianity the process is still on . Adaptation of Sarva Dharma Sambhava in Indian constitution is a right step towards universal assimilation of all faiths and believes. This is what makes India so rich in its culture & history.

    By Blogger Rahul Nanda, At 6:13 AM  

  • can we use 'Secularism' for 'Sarv dharma sambhava' phrase in one word ??? because secularism can also be also defined as "all the religions are same and we should not differentiate anyone on the basis of their religion." so, will it be appropriate to use secularism word to define sarv dharma sambhava ???

    By Blogger saviti, At 11:49 PM  

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    By Blogger saviti, At 11:49 PM  

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